Author: pandersen

Arrow pointing to the word insurance on a scale

Why An Independent Agent?

by Peter Andersen, 8/13/14 Levitt-Fuirst is an independent insurance agent. Got it? Got it! Wait… What is an independent insurance agent again? Better yet, why

The Worst of Times

By: P. Andersen    Insurance is an interesting product to sell, because the goal of every client is to never need the insurance coverage they

Tree fall on house symbol

Storm Preparation 101!

by Peter Andersen   There was a time when the idea of a hurricane in the tri-state area was not taken seriously. “A hurricane? In

Group at Habitat for Humanity standing on rubble

If I Had a Hammer……

By: Louise Rush Pretty much everyone has heard of Habitat for Humanity, if only in a “oh, those are the guys that build houses” sort of

View from boat

In The Good Ole Summertime

By: Alan Mani   Its summer time!!! You’re up in Greenwich or Armonk and everybody is swimming, sunbathing and grilling. Laughter is in the air