Author: pandersen

Frost Heaves snow covered road

Winter Storm Juno

Storm of the Century!  Or, Not? by P. Andersen Is Juno coming, or will it be all sound and fury signifying nothing?  We are on

Snow tires on red car

Snow Tires: Tis the Season

by P. Andersen, November 18, 2014 As the temperatures dip into the teens this week (In NOVEMBER?!?!), it is time to think about snow tires. 

Man with thick mustache and soul patch

Movember 2014

by Peter Andersen, November 10, 2014   It is Movember, which means it is time for me, and many hundreds of thousands of men like

Home Insurance-House-Levitt Fuirst

Fire Safety

by P. Andersen and The Hartford, 10/24/14   A big part of writing a blog is finding useful things to impart, and to impart those

Car accident

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Insurance

By P. Andersen, 10/17/14   At Levitt-Fuirst, I manage a sub-company called Risk Reduction Services (RRS).   Simply, we collect proof of insurance documents from contractors