Levitt-Fuirst Press: A News & Article Archive

Home Insurance-House-Levitt Fuirst

Fire Safety

by P. Andersen and The Hartford, 10/24/14   A big part of writing a blog is finding useful things to impart, and to impart those

Car accident

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Insurance

By P. Andersen, 10/17/14   At Levitt-Fuirst, I manage a sub-company called Risk Reduction Services (RRS).   Simply, we collect proof of insurance documents from contractors

Jason Mask Why Fear Insurance

Why Fear Insurance?

by P. Andersen, 10/9/14 This Saturday, October 11th, Levitt-Fuirst will have a booth at the Community Associations Institute Conference and Trade Show at the Ramada

Ethernet cabel

Tool Shopping at Applied.net

by P. Andersen, 9/17/14 We talk a lot about insuring your home and business, and how Levitt-Fuirst is your advocate when you have a claim.

Apartment building

A Coop and Condo Primer

by P. Andersen, 9/10/14   Here in the region surrounding New York City, we have an abundance of both Condos and Coops.  In New York City